For those who have been wanting updated information on the family history, I have finally gotten around to building a new dedicated family history website and posting it online.

Some of you may remember that in the early 2000s I posted a large family tree to the Rootsweb site. It was very popular, and that ended up being its downfall. While being a fulltime graduate student, and a fulltime employee of the university, and a fulltime caregiver for my disabled parents, I was also getting bombarded by several hundred e-mails per day requesting more information on the family tree. It was too much to handle, and so I had to turn over control of that website to other people.

Since then I have continued to expand my family tree through research and several great online resources and databases that were not available when I wrote the first one. For a few years now I have been trying to find a suitable forum in which to post the new and improved family tree, but nothing was available that fit my requirements.

That has now changed.

Using the Webtrees opensource software I have been able to create a feature-rich website for hosting my family tree and for sharing the information with those who are interested. I am still not going to be able to answer e-mails due to a lack of time, but hopefully the automated features of the software will be able to handle more of the inquiries. I also make no guarantees as to the accuracy of the information, as most of it was given to me by distant cousins.

However it is available and free to use. For now it is open to the general public, but if it gets abused I may have to password protect it once more. The new site can be found at, although I am considering moving it to my primary website -which can better handle the bandwidth but costs more for hosting- if there is sufficient interest in it. If and when it gets moved I will post an update here.

For now please enjoy it, and I hope it inspires a few of my distant cousins to start their own family history research!