This is an article that I originally wrote during the 2015 Federal election in Canada, but I think that it is just as applicable today in 2019.

I am really tired of this election. Not because of the politicians and the attack ads and the infestation of signs and the deluge of phone calls and the constant negativity in the news, but because it is causing non-stop fighting on social media. For the past two months I have had some family and friends constantly forwarding attack ads from the left, and then others counter with attack ads from the right. Then someone will send a biased quiz so someone else starts a hate filled meme. And if you dare to "Like" anything you get deluged with hundreds of hateful comments (I shudder to imagine an actual "Share"!).
I know what the issues are, and I know where each party leader stands. And I don't care if someone made a poorly judged joke fifteen or twenty years ago. I don't care who has the nicest hair. I don't care who once said something that some special interest group didn't like.
Today the hatred and the bile on Facebook got so bad that I came very close to unfriending at least half of my friend list and cancelling my account on Twitter. And I still might.