
July 22, 2013 - Congratulations to the royal family on the newest member, known for the time being only as "Baby Cambridge"

July 1, 2013 - HAPPY CANADA DAY!!

June 15, 2013 - Today is World Elder Abuse Awareness day, an event recognized by the UN and many countries as a day to raise awareness of the abuse of the elderly (as the name suggests). I have known a few friends and neighbours who have been victims of this, and as a society we must strive to put an end to it. 

June 14, 2013 - An update to the state of my webpage widgets. Although I still do not have a definite explanation, it appears that someone launched a DDS attack against the webserver the hosts several of my widgets and caused it to exceed its bandwidth limits. I have created workaround for the interim, and hope to have them fully restored soon.

June 13, 2013 - For unknown reasons, several of the widgets on my websites have ceased functioning. The company that hosts these seems to have folded or otherwise ceased functioning. I will be working through the weekend to attempt to repair or replace these, and hope to have my sites back to normal by Monday.

June 1, 2013 - I have just added a page of famous family members. It is amazing how many royals and nobility I have in my family. (Of course, in reality almost everyone has famous relatives if one researches far enough back)

May 25, 2013 - Happy Geek Pride Day! A day to celebrate all things geeky and nerdy. Not sure how I will spend the day, but flip it, I will find something geeky to do! (It is also Towel Day for Douglas Adams fans, and the Glorious 25th of May for Terry Pratchett fans. So many holidays, and so little time to celebrate!)

May 22, 2013 - I just started reading "The Last Highlander", which is a book about my (admittedly very distant) cousin Simon Fraser. He is my seventh cousin eight times removed, but is also a very interesting historical figure in his own right. 

May 20, 2013 - It is Victoria Day! A day to celebrate getting crushed by crowds at the parade you can't really see anyway, or to celebrate packing soggy camping gear and swearing you'll never leave home again :)

May 12, 2013 - Happy Mother's Day!!

May 1, 2013 - The hyperlapse widget, a program that uses Google streetview to make a timelapse video of roads and interesting attractions.  Another useless web gadget which I will no doubt spend hours playing with :)

April 20, 2013 - Now I am certain that one cannot escape the inexorable creep of modern technology - I just discovered that Google Street View has photographed my beloved Hornby Island, BC! On the positive side though, now I can take a mini-vacation from my office whenever I need a dose of rural tranquility :)

April 15, 2013 - My primary e-mail is down for the moment, as are a few of my websites and widgets. You can still contact me through one of my secondary addresses, although the webhost assures me that any messages sent to my main address will still get delivered when the server is working again. (UPDATE: As of April 16, 2013 my websites and widgets are back to normal. Apparently a construction crew working next to the webhost's building forgot to check for underground cables, and cut right through them)


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